You can download a version of these guidelines as a WordDoc or PDF.
The Humanities Podcasting Symposium will bring together podcasters of diverse backgrounds, levels of experience, geographies, and careers to discuss the intersections of podcasting and humanities methods and scholarship. The Humanities Podcasting Network is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free environment and fostering welcoming, respectful discussions throughout the symposium.
We ask contributors and audience members participating in the symposium to follow these practices:
- I will prioritize collaboration and community, celebrating the contributions of others and inviting voices and perspectives into the conversation rather than privileging the loudest voice or seemingly most prestigious perspective in the room.
- I will continually reflect on how my networks, taste, curiosity, comfort and values are shaped by my race, class, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, body, location, education, media, and community.
- I will care for myself, take breaks from meetings if needed, nourish myself (snacks, hydration), assert boundaries, and share needs as appropriate.
- I will be mindful of creating spaces that are as physically and socially accessible as possible. On Zoom, that might include: being open to cameras off or on, taking breaks, ongoing reflections of intersecting privileges and power dynamics, uplifting non-verbal contributions in the chat/via polls.
Speakers are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and to be aware of how language or images may be perceived by others. Attendees may exercise their option to leave a session or a conversation. If you’re present when another person is harassed, we encourage you to intervene if you feel safe to do so, support the person being harassed privately, and/or contact us about the incident. In addition, the symposium will follow the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures of New York University.
Adapted from and inspired by the guidelines of the American Library Association, Modern Literature Association, Design Justice Principles, Anti-Oppression Network, and POC in Audio.